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Sun City Analytical, Inc.’s  mold laboratory is the only  Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS) Licensed mold laboratory in El Paso.

SCAI’s mold protocol follows Texas Department of State Health Services regulations, moreover,  SCAI has over 20 years experience performing laboratory analysis and consulting services related to mold issues.  SCAI’s laboratory personal have undergone intensive training in dust, pollen, and airborne microbial identification from the McCrone Research Institute located in Chicago, IL.  SCAI performs mold analysis of various medias including; spore traps, tape lifts, swabs, and bulk samples with turn around times as short as 4hrs.  SCAI also has the capability to perform on-site mold clearance analysis.

Sun City Analytical, Inc. typically analyzes samples during normal business hours at our offices located at 1409 Montana Ave. in El Paso, Texas, however, other arrangements can be made in emergency situations.

In order for Sun City Analytical, Inc. to receive samples and perform analyze, clients must first fill out a chain of custody (COC) form which releases the samples to the laboratory.  This  COC serves as a legal transmittal document between Sun City Analytical, Inc. and our client. A PDF chain of custody is available for download from our web or you can pick up a form from our office.  This form, with an original signature, must be submitted to our lab along with the samples.


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