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Today’s society has become more conscious for the need to control energy costs and to provide a safe indoor living environment in homes and buildings. This new thinking requires that IAQ profession expand into air quality issues associated with building structures and their relationship to the health and comfort of people within the homes and buildings. However, energy savings and a safer indoor environment comes at a price.


For example, the new materials and chemical products that are used today may have limitations that may cause or intensify IAQ Issues.



IAQ involves the collection of air samples, building surface samples, monitoring pollutants, and overall analysis of the interior of the building or home. Some of the more common pollutants may include the following:


Radon is an invisible gas that forms from decaying uranium in some building materials. Breathing the radioactive gas may cause lung cancer.

Mold and Allergies:

Mold is always associated with moisture problems related to leaks or condensation within a building or home. Preventing moisture leaks or condensation while keeping the humidity levels below 50% may inhibit mold. Mold spore cell walls tend to trigger allergenic reactions in people who have asthma or a serious respiratory disease.

Carbon Monoxide:

Carbon Monoxide (CO) is an acutely toxic indoor air contaminant that is colorless and odorless. Common sources of CO maybe include incomplete combustion of fossil fuels, tobacco smoke, space heaters, defective central heating furnaces, and exhaust from automobiles.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC):

VOCs are gases emitted from solids or liquids that may cause short or long term health problems. VOCs may include chemicals, paints, lacquers, paint strippers, cleaning supplies, pesticides, building materials, furnishings, office equipment, glues and adhesives, and photographic solutions.

Legionellosis or Legionnaire’s Disease:

Legionella, a water borne bacterium, can form a biofilm that prevents chemical and antimicrobial treatments including chlorine. Legionella disease occurs in slow moving or still warm water that may include evaporative cooling systems or showerheads.


Asbestos is a naturally occurring material that resists chemicals and fire. Because of these properties, asbestos had been used for many centuries where fire or harsh conditions were found. Today, asbestos has limited use in areas where asbestos substitutes are not available. Where possible, asbestos should be removed to avoid exposure to the fibers that can cause asbestosis or mesothelioma.

Carbon Dioxide:

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) results from indoor human metabolic activities. High levels of CO2 inside buildings or homes may cause drowsiness, headaches, or lower activity level functions.


Ozone is produced naturally in the earth’s atmosphere where ultraviolet rays from the Sun encounter the Ozone Layer. Ozone may also be formed by lightning, certain electrical devices, or as a byproduct of pollution. Ozone should be of concern when outdoor air is used for indoor ventilation. Indoor pollutant such skin oils, air chemicals or surfaces may react with Ozone entering from the outside. Certain “green” products that contain a base of citrus or terpene extracts may react with Ozone to form toxic and irritating chemicals.

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC):

The advancement of HVAC systems have made it possible to keep homes and buildings warm or cool. But HVACs must be maintained properly to prevent indoor environmental issues. Consideration should be given to the following: effectiveness and number of air replacement, replacement of air filters, properly operating moisture and humidity controls, the use of desiccant wheels to manage the dew point temperature.



  • Indoor air that is worse than outdoor air

  • Annoyances ranging from minor to major health risk issues




  • Strange or noticeable odors

  • Bad air (stuffy or stale)

  • No lack of air movement

  • Indoor humidity problems

  • Mold and mildew problems

  • Unsolved health reactions

  • Feeling better during outdoor activities





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